☛ Rudraksha Prayer Beads: Introduction
Rudraksha, also rudraksha, Sanskrit: rudrakṣa (Rudra’s eyes), is a large evergreen broad-leaved tree whose seed is traditionally used for prayer beads in Hinduism. The seed is borne by several species of Elaeocarpus, with E. ganitrus being the principal species used in the making of a bead chain or mala.
What is Rudraksha?
Rudraksha is said to be the tears of Lord Shiva (Rudra is Lord Shiva and Aksha is tears). Rudraksha a Vedic Beads of Power worn by the Gods, Yogis, and Rishis since times immemorial on their path to Enlightenment and Liberation. History is proof of successful people adorning these to gain power, health, protection, and self-empowerment. Rudraksha beads are very powerful beads that are used to cure many physical and emotional disorders. Rudraksha beads are found in different types from 1 Mukhi to 21 Mukhi Rudraksha.
☛ Prayer Beads: Brief Introduction
Prayer beads, or mala beads, are an important tool for many Buddhist practitioners. In Buddhism, mala beads are used as a tool to aid in the recitation of prayers and mantras and to help cultivate mindfulness and concentration.
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