☛ Samantabhadra: An Introduction to Samantabadra
The image of Samantabhadra is one of the oldest & among the most complex Buddhism, because of its simplicity & because the figures bear no symbolic objects (accoutrements) which otherwise define the form. Yet most people realise that there is some profound underlying meaning behind the form. The represents the realisation & flowering of pure consciousness. Owing to its simplicity, there are several Samantabhadra interpretations & meanings attached to the form.
The central concepts regarding the image
1. The original self which is perceived a pure awoken consciousness [Skt. bodhi]. The Awoken self [viz. spiritual nature] which realises the delusion of the material world which is the common perception of reality & in doing so is liberated.
1b.Understanding of the sun & moon, which themselves represent time {place} & the human condition respectively.
2a. The eternal Present moment which from the Awoken Mind of bodhi realises the union of the past, present & future.
3. The origin of all form out of which all form is derived & within to which all form dissolves into Nothingness. The nature of truth of reality, explored by the Buddhist Early Schools. These two leading schools are Sunyavada [aka. Madyamanka] & Yogacara. The realisation of the this truth of reality generates the Boddhi-sattva [the enlightened being of ‘pure consciousness’.
4. According to Vajrayana Buddhism all Deities & Dakinis arose out of Samantabhadra. This idea is especially connected ot the Dhyana Buddha Familiies of Amitabha, Akshobhya, Amoghasiddhi, Ratnasambhava & Vairochana 5. Bodhissatva & figure of the Lotus Sutra [Skt. Avatamsaka Sutra] made the 10 vows to guide a bodhisattva.
☛ About Elector Gold Plating
This Samantabhadra has been finished with a Full Electro Gold plated coating. Electro gold plating is a contemporary technique used to apply a layer of gold onto various surfaces. The process involves the use of an electric current to deposit a thin and even layer of gold onto the object being plated. This method is known for its efficiency and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional fire gold plating techniques.
☛ Ceramic Molding System
The Samantabhadra has been crafted using the Ceramic mold casting process, a modern approach that provides an alternative to traditional methods such as the lost-wax system or rubber molding. Also referred to as ceramic molding, this technique involves the creation of a ceramic mold to cast the statue. The process begins by making a precise and detailed wax model of the desired sculpture. The wax model is then coated with layers of ceramic material, creating a sturdy mold. Once the mold is complete, it is fired in a kiln, causing the wax to melt and escape, leaving behind a cavity that perfectly replicates the original sculpture. Molten metal is then poured into the mold, allowing it to fill the cavity and take on the desired form. Once cooled and solidified, the ceramic mold is carefully broken away, revealing the final metal statue.
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